Since 2000, i.e. for more than a decade, the people within the Europe China Foundation (ECF) have built up a strong network in China among the decision makers from the national government, local governments, state owned companies and state owned banks.
Convinced of the huge potential for both regions to benefit from each others strength, ECF is actively involved in the exchange of economic and cultural projects between Europe and China. The Board of ECF has set up a company in Spain for executing the projects that has been presented by ECF. This company is called China Europe Business Development Services (CEBDS) and is based in Spain.
We help European Companies and Organizations to find their way in China and Chinese Companies and organizations to find their way in Europe, finding the right business partners, opening up the market, finding Joint venture partners and investors et cetera. Given our European roots and our in-depth understanding of China, our Foundation is bridging the Chinese and European culture. Our network can be found in many European countries e.g.: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Spain and United Kingdom. ECF has also built up a network in the Middle East, Turkey, South America.
While on the surface it may seem that technology has enabled communication and information exchange, it also emphasises the deeper need for people to truly understand the other culture. Our Company offers a business platform of solid projects that can be done between China and Europe. We haven’t got our experience from reading books or from hearsay but through years of daily practice.
ECF has given several presentations and key note speeches in Europe to give a clear and honest story about China as there is still a lot of prejudice opinions related to China. Very often deliberately written by the western media and broadcasted out of fear of China becoming to strong. Most of the time China is seen as a competitor for western interests. Everyday we can read the proof for these wrongly based assumptions. China is looking for harmony in close contact with the rest of the world.
Because some western countries like to picture China as non democratic, communistic and a military dictatorship. Those who have been to China , know that this is completely false. China is democratic as their leaders have been elected, based on their experience, knowledge and capabilities.
This in contrast with many western leaders who are elected, because they are shown on television by making promises that are often not kept.
China is a modern country with a very large number of people belonging to the middle class, companies are flourishing and most of thee countries poverty has been eliminated. The Military play no active role in Chinese politics.
ECF is seeing its role as making western people and countries to understand the culture of China, which is peaceful and seeking harmony instead of confrontation. In the entire history of China, it never has attacked and occupied a foreign country.
Many European countries have a long history of colonialism, conquering other countries, including China. Think about, Hong Kong by Great Britain, Macau by Portugal, Tianjin by Belgium, Shanghai and other cities by the British, Germans and French. So Europe should look at China with a different outlook. We (us Europeans) are not in the position to lecture China and should not judge China based on what western media wants us to believe about China.
It is time for Europe to grow up and really understand what the intentions are from China. Europe needs to work closely together with China and build a modern, free and prosperous continent. Embracing the best China has to offer without losing its own identity.