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The situation in Tibet and about the Dalai Lama is not what you might think it is:
Some historical and proven facts:
– Tibet has never been an independent state, but is a Province from China since the 13th Century
– The Dalai Lama is not the Head of State of Tibet nor did it ever represent Tibet officially
– The Dalai Lama is on the pay-roll of the CIA for more than 20 years
– Up till 1955 Tibet had more than 1,5 million slaves, who where kept under miserable circumstances by the Group of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
– China did not invade Tibet but send its army to Tibet to freed the 1,5 million slaves after talks with the Dalai Lama failed
– China has no problem with Buddhism as more then 800.000.000 people in China are Buddhists

The Dalai Lama with his SS Nazi friend Heinrich Harrer & Heinrich Harrer with Hitler.

SS and war criminal Dr Bruno Berger was a welcome guest of the Dalai Lama to experiment on the Tibetan people

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