In China the support of a Guanxi is very important if you want to have success. The bigger and more complex the project, the stronger the Guanxi need to be. ECF has been accepted by many different Guanxi's. Here under you see some of our partners and friends in China
The Network of CEBDS is extensive and being build up during the 20 years we have been active in China. The network is based on friendship, trust and mutual respect. On this page we give you some samples of the people in our network. Not just people we have just met once but with whom we have built up a long lasting (personal) relationship.

Robert de Vos - ECF Chairman received in the Great Hall of the People by Mr Chen Zhu, Minister of Health

Robert de Vos - ECF Chairman received in the Diaoyutai for a state diner by Mr Wang Guoqiang, Vice Minister of Health and Secretary General of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM).

CEBDS have a long lasting friendship with the leaders of the China Institute of Strategy & Management (CISM), with their office in the Diaoyutai in Beijing. CISM is the official Think Tank of the Chinese Government that directly advises the President of China.



The China Center for International Economic Exchanges is a powerful governmental organization that is helping the Chinese Government to outline its economic strategy. With CCIEE, CEBDS also has a long lasting relationship. Li Qingli, one of CEBDS advisors is working close with one of the founders and leaders of CCIEE.

Li Qingli with Zheng Xinli founder
of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the founder of CCIEE.

Li Qingli with President Hollande
Li Qingli with Gerhard Schröder

Li Qingli with Christian Wolf, former
President of Germany

Li Qingli with a Billionaire from Hong Kong and the Mayor of Heidelberg

The army plays an important role at the back ground. With several leaders within the army, CEBDS has an outstanding and long-lasting relationship. The army leaders have their office in the Diaoyutai. CEBDS have left many footsteps behind in the Diaoyutai and is able to introduce European parties for meetings in this highly by the army secured compound in Beijing.

ECF having a diner with General Dai Qingmin, Director of the General Staff and responsible for the electronic warfare of China, introducing the CEO of a Belgian company. The introduction was arranged by ECF Ambassador at Large, Madam Wang Jun.

Robert de Vos meeting with General He and madam Wang Jun.

The roots of the Europe China Foundation are in Brussels, the Capital of the European Union. It is here where we have our contacts throughout Europe.

ECF introducing Madam Cheng Mingyi (former assistant of Mao Zedong and representing President Xi Jinping), to the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Alcorcon (Madrid).

ECF discussing a large Healthcare project with the Mayor of Malaga, Mr Francisco de la Torre Prados. This project is an investment from the Chinese Government in Spain.

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting with Ivo Opstelten, Minister of Justice in the Netherlands

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting with Gerard Kleisterlei at that time, President of Philips . Now Chairman of the Vodaphone Group

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting with Didier Reynders, European commissioner for Justice.

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting with Leo Delcroix, Belgian Minister of Defense introducing Madam Cheng Mingyi.
Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman introducing Mr Wang from Shanghai to the Mayor of Delft, Bas Verkerk.
Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting with Bernard Pierre at that time, Belgian Ambassador to China

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman interviewed by CCTV at the Egmont Palace in Brussels

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman interviewed by CCTV at Concert Noble in Brussels
Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman meeting his friend Simon Napier-Bell in Beijing. Simon was the owner of the boys band WHAM from George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman giving a Keynote speech at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin.

Robert de Vos, ECF Chairman giving a speech in Beijing in present of the vice Minister of Health mr Wang Guoqiang and in front of 3000 voluntary workers who helped during the Sichuan earthquake.

Robert de Vos at an international round table conference in Beijing organised by the Ministry of Culture

Robert de Vos is appointed as Investment Advisor of the Zhengzhou High Tech Zone in Henan by the Party Secretary of Henan Government Mr Xu Guangchun. Mr Xu Guangchun was the number one in charge of the Henan Province, the province in China with the largest population of over 100.000.000 people. The Zhengzhou High Tech zone is one of China’s largest and most prominent High Tech zones.

The Europe China Foundation organized and sponsored the Charity Concert in the Great Hall of the People at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the world’s largest parliament building, seating more than 10.000 people. CEBDS is very grateful to the Chinese Government for their support and allowing us to use this stage. This concert was recorded and broadcast-ed by CCTV on National Chinese Television in 2008.
Performing Artists:
With guest star Jackie Chan, Carel Kraayenhof, Petra Berger, Bert Balkenende, Dejan Lazic, Conductor Eric Lederhandler,Passionata, Shadow, Allan Swoffer, Drummer Ben Mitchell, Zhang Chen Jiao, Liu Chen, the National Chinese Opera Orchestra, Dancers of the Beijing Dance Academy and others.

CEBDS has excellent contact with members of the National Chinese Government and the people behind the scene. In 2000 Robert de Vos was invited to China by the former Ambassador Li Qiping and Ambassador Xi to come to China. During a two weeks visit to China, the ambassadors did accompany Robert introducing him to the several people within the Government. After this visit many more people have been met. Now nearly 20 years later, the Government Guanxi is very strong. People within the Government, State Security and State Council. One of our very good friends is Madam Cheng Mingyi, former assistant of Mao Zedong. Cheng Mingyi has visited us in Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain.

Wang Jun is from the so called “Red Families” in China. A small group of the Chinese elite, controlling the power of China, coming from the group from Mao Zedong. Members of these so called “Red Families” are holding key positions in China, and whose influence extends well beyond politics. Wang Jun full fills many different positions. One of the positions is Executive Director of CISM, the official “Think Tank” of the Chinese Government which “advices” the President directly. ECF and CEBDS have a long-lasting personal relationship with Wang Jun.


Planting trees in Beijing with Wang Jun and the family and family in-law of the than the president of China Hu Jintao

ECF introducing Board of a large German Multinational to Wang Tong

Wang Tong and President Xi Jinping at a BRIC meeting in South Africa

Wang Tong and President Xi Jinping at a State visit in Thailand

CPAFFC – China association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is also part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
By CPAFFC we have been appointed to arrange support from the European Council in Brussels for a large and high profile project in China, which was initiated by the former President of China Hu Jintao.

CHINA PECC is also part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
With whom we have a contract to help Chinese State Owned companies wanting to expand or invest in Europe.

CEBDS has signed an agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Culture to bring top Chinese art from the leading Chinese National collection for exhibitions to the National museums in Europe. For this Honorable project, CEBDS is seeking connection with art experts, conservators and directors of the leading European museums.

ECF was invited by the director of the Ministry of Culture and director of the National Museum in Beijing after signing the contract of cooperation

Board ECF meeting with Baroness von Thyssen Bornemisza

The Thyssen Bornemisza museum in Madrid
In China there are a several locations that play an important role in Chinese politics, representing the power and strength of China.
The most important and well known location is the Great Hall of the People at Tienanmen square in Beijing, the Chinese parliament that can seat 10.000 people in the grand Hall. The other less well known building is the Diaoyutai in Beijing, that houses the main government agencies and receives Head of States when they visit China during their State visit. The Diaoyutai is a large and very secured area with a lake completely surrounded by a wall and guarded by the Army. The Europe China Foundation has direct access to the Great Hall of the People and the Diaoyutai. We have many footsteps in both buildings and have received many people in the Diaoyutai. In 2008, we even organised a concert in the Great Hall of the People, with 10.000 people. This concert was broadcast ed on national television by CCTV.



ECF Chairman and Vice Chairman Robert de Vos Corts and David Martinez Hinojosa meeting with their very good friends Madam Wang Jun and Yu Yangfei in the Diaoyutai.

The Europe China Foundation has also very good contacts with local governments in China, like Henan Province, Shanghai, Guanxi Province, Xi'An, Anhui Province and several other.

The Governor of Anhui Province
Mr Xu Guangchun, Party Secretary of Henan Province. The number 1 in charge of Henan province.

ECF advisor Cui Huiping with Mr Jia Qinglin.
Jia Qinglin was at that time, leader of the People's Republic of China and of its ruling Communist Party. He was a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the party's highest ruling organ, between 2002 and 2012, and Chairman of the National Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference between 2003 and 2013

The State Counselor Mr Shi Dinghuan
The Europe China Foundation has organised and sponsored a Charity Concert in the Tang Paradise Theatre in Xi’An at invitation of the Governor of Shaanxi Province. In return the Government of Xi'An organised a special reception in the capital for the Board of ECF and all the artists. Such a reception was only organised twice before for the American President Bill Clinton and President Jacques Chirac of France.